Consulting Services

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PayPlans Dictate behavior

Consulting Services

Any owner knows more about their business (or should know) than anyone else. Cutting unnecessary expenses and terminating employees is not a long term solution to achieving higher profits. If you are trying to achieve a short term profit increase to sell your company, you do not need our consulting services. At Payplans Dictate Behavior we will structure everyones’ compensation to achieve the businesses’ long term success. Most businesses simply pay what the “market” is paying for certain positions, and do not take the time to structure plans that are motivating to employees. No business should ever have to say “I am paying …… too much money” or “…… is not worth what I am paying him”.

Having changed employees compensation plans in the past, I know what you can expect. The top performers will make more money. The bottom performers will complain until they “fire themselves” because they will make less money. A positive culture will take place within 3 months, and you will have employees who literally manage themselves and help the company achieve exponential success.

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